Community Tourism Accommodation Supporters



Friends of the North Highland Way are led by Tina Irving, who climbed Kilimanjaro on her 40th birthday. She is a keen environmentalist. She was in the Army walking team in the 1970s, as an ex Corporal in the Army, she walked all over Spain, including some of the Caminos and the Lake District District.

Other supporters and Friends are listed on the web site, including Julia Bradbury. All members of the Adventure Tourism Research Association.

Albert Salmon, Green Destinations.

Julia Bradbury is a Friend of the North Highland Way.

Highland Highlife Ranger Service… an offshoot of The Highland Council. They do a great job.

Tina is a member of the Orkney Renewable Energy Forum, the North East Scotland Climate Action Network and the Moray Firth Coastal Partnership.

The Highland Council, Nature Scot, VisitScotland.

Quintfall Forest Products are Friends of the North Highland Way, as they contribute to costs of the environmental magazine.

Joel Richardson Graduate of Glasgow University.

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